The Time Detective’s Arc-O-Matic.

The Time Detective’s™ game studios team is proud to announce the creation of a puzzle maintenance interface for its popular history puzzle game, “The Time Detective’s History Puzzles.” This interface will allow the game’s development team to easily maintain the game’s puzzles and keep the game’s content up to date and engaging for players.

What is the Puzzle Maintenance Interface?

The puzzle maintenance interface is a web-based tool that is built using the Flask web framework and Amazon DynamoDB. This tool will allow the game’s development team to create, edit, and delete puzzles in the game’s database. The puzzles, also known as “arcs,” are collections of events that players must arrange in chronological order.

How it Works

The puzzle maintenance interface is built using a server-side Flask script and a client-side HTML/JS interface. The script communicates with the DynamoDB database to retrieve, add, update, and delete arcs. The HTML/JS interface allows the development team to interact with the script and perform these tasks.

The script contains functions for each of the four main tasks that the development team needs to perform: getting all arcs, adding a new arc, updating an existing arc, and deleting an arc. These functions use the DynamoDB API to communicate with the database.

The HTML/JS interface allows the development team to perform these tasks through a user-friendly interface. The interface includes a form for adding and editing arcs, as well as a list of all existing arcs. The development team can search for arcs by title and view the details of an arc by clicking on it in the list.

Benefits of the Puzzle Maintenance Interface

The puzzle maintenance interface will greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the game’s development team. The team will be able to quickly and easily update the game’s content, ensuring that the game remains fresh and engaging for players. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for the development team to use.


The Time Detective’s™ game studios team is dedicated to providing the best possible gaming experience for its players. The creation of the puzzle maintenance interface is a testament to this commitment. With this tool, the development team will be able to efficiently maintain the game’s content, ensuring that players always have an enjoyable and challenging experience.